Descompresión medular mediante abordaje lateral transtorácico mínimamente invasivo. Reporte de un caso. [Spinal cord decompression by minimally invasive transthoracic lateral approach. Case report]
Contenido principal del artículo
Los abordajes laterales mínimamente invasivos son técnicas válidas para tratar patologías compresivas de la columna torácica, con bajas tasas de morbimortalidad y una rápida recuperación.
There are multiple techniques for spinal cord decompression in the thoracic spine, each with its advantages and disadvantages, and requiring different surgical skills. Recently, minimally invasive techniques have been developed, reducing morbidity rates and achieving good functional results.
We present the case of a 64-year-old male with spinal compression symptoms, central disc herniation calcified at the fifth thoracic vertebra, which migrated to the lower end of the sixth thoracic vertebra. Diagnosis was clear for spinal cord compression. Partial posterior corpectomy of the sixth vertebra was performed with a minimally invasive transthoracic transpleural lateral approach and without additional fixation. The patient had a good outcome on follow-up, without progression of neurological symptoms or residual rib pain.
Minimally invasive lateral approaches are valid techniques for the treatment of compression disorders of the thoracic spine, with low rates of morbidity and mortality, and a rapid recovery.
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