Implication of Internal Rotation Traction Radiography in Proximal Femoral Fracture Evaluation
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Materials and Method: We consecutively evaluated 100 patients with a diagnosis of proximal femoral fracture. Antero-posterior pelvic radiographs (A-P), A-P radiographs of the affected hip, and internal rotation traction radiographs of the affected hip were taken. A comparison was made between the classifications made by residents and the classification of senior doctors, who used the 3 radiographs to classify all fractures.
Results: The overall agreement score between the initial classification of residents and that of senior doctors was 68.9%. When the resident physicians used internal rotation traction radiography, agreement increased to 78.75%. 51 responses changed with respect to the initial classification. Of these, in 42 (82.4%) cases the initial classification was incorrect and changed to a correct classification. While in 9 (17.6%) cases the initial classification was correct and changed to an incorrect one.
Conclusion: Internal rotation traction radiography is a simple, low-cost study that is well-tolerated by the patient and facilitates correct interpretation of proximal femoral fractures with a direct impact on the choice of treatment and its outcome.Level of Evidence: IV
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