Floating Spine and Other Types of Associated Multiple Simultaneous Unstable Spinal Fractures
Main Article Content
Materials and Methods: A descriptive analysis of patients with high-energy spinal cord injuries and associated multiple unstable and simultaneous spinal fractures from January 2015 to January 2021 was conducted. Patients with type B (ligament injury) and/or type C (subluxation/dislocation) multiple spinal fractures were included. Patients with incomplete medical records, osteoporotic or pathological fractures, or fewer than 3 months of follow-up were excluded.
Results: We included 5 patients (1 woman and 4 men) with two simultaneous unstable spinal fractures, including 4 cases (80%) of non-contiguous fractures and 3 (60%) with two simultaneous non-contiguous fracture dislocations (“floating spine”); 2 (40%) cases had a type B fracture associated with a type C fracture. The median age was 35 years. High-energy trauma with associated injuries occurred in all cases. All patientswere surgically treated with a conventional posterior approach, reduction, and long arthrodesis. In two patients, neurological recovery was confirmed.
Conclusion: A case series of multiple simultaneous unstable spinal fractures (type B or C) caused by high-energy trauma is presented. This is a rare injury association with significant morbidity associated with spinal, systemic, and neurological trauma.
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