IMPORTANT: remember, after advancing in the review process, to check the spam or junk mail folder in your email as some system notification may be sent to that space in your email.

Download the Reviewers Tutorial

Access to Guide for reviewers | Access to grid for reviewers

1- Unpublished manuscripts are protected documents. Please keep them safe from all forms of exploita- Reviewers are not permitted to cite or refer to a manuscript or the work it describes before it has been published, and they are not permitted to use the information it contains for the advancement of their own research.

2- A reviewer should have a positive, unbiased attitude toward the manuscript under

3- If you believe you cannot judge an article objectively, please return the manuscript to the editor promptly and explain

4- Reviews should be completed within two to three Please notify the editor if you are unable to complete the review within the time frame indicated.

5- The reviewer should not discuss a paper with its author/s.

6- Please do not make any particular statements concerning the acceptance of a work in your form to the author, but instead advise the editor on the accompanying

7- Please evaluate the following areas of the text in your review, when applicable:

  1. Importance of the question or subject studied
  2. Originality
  3. Appropriateness of the experimental or methodological design
  4. Appropriateness of the experimental techniques (including statistics)
  5. Soundness of conclusions and interpretations
  6. Relevance of the discussion
  7. Clarity of writing and adequate presentati

8- Criticism should be provided objectively in comments intended for the authors, and harsh remarks should be

9- Suggested modifications should be written as such and not as acceptance conditions. To ensure that the observations are sent to the authors in a complete and orderly manner, we ask that you fill out the grid (download it here). We would prefer it if your suggestions were in color or highlighted so that the author could easily identify them and facilitate subsequent evaluation.

10- Your comments, arguments, and suggestions on the manuscript will be most helpful to the editor if they are well. Click here to access the form that must be completed online

11- You are not requested to correct grammar mistakes, but any help in this regard will be

12- The editor gratefully accepts reviewer recommendations, but because editing decisions are typically based on multiple sources of evaluation, a reviewer should not expect the editor to honor every recom- mendatio


The Editors require an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the study, not just a recommendation for acceptance or rejection.


1- Accept submission: acceptable with minimal or no Make comments on the aspects that could be im- proved or need changes.

2- Publishable with modifications: acceptable after some specific revisions. Make comments about the aspects that can be improved or that need

3- Forward to review: when the manuscript does not have a logical organization, but the topic deserves its publi- cation, make comments clearly and explain why you are requesting them.

4- Forward to another Publication: when the content does not fit with the mission of the

5- Unpublishable: explain why the article should be rejected, use language that is courteous and precise, yet critical and Your comments will be transmitted (anonymously) to the authors.

6- See comments: contact the Editor to comment on particulars of the manuscript.

Helping the editorial team

1- The Journal wants to give authors a prompt decision, so it is significantly helpful if the Reviewers do their tasks Please respond within three weeks of receiving the invitation.

2- It is critical that the review period is short, especially if a work is

3- It is very helpful if you number your main areas of criticism or suggestions for

In order to upload your observations to the journal page, download the Tutorial for Reviewers. (click here)


IMPORTANT: remember, after advancing in the review process, to check the spam or junk mail folder in your email as some system notification may be sent to that space in your email.