This statement establishes the most relevant ethical principles that guide editorial decisions and the procedures to follow in the event of detecting any form of negligence or scientific misconduct.

Ethical Principles

Originality: All articles published in our journal must be original and unpublished.
Honesty: Authors must present their data truthfully and completely, without manipulation or fabrication.
Conflict of interest: Authors must declare any conflict of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of their research.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism, in any of its forms, will not be tolerated.
Manipulation of images: Manipulation of images for deceptive purposes is unacceptable.

Procedures in case of negligence

In the event that any form of negligence is identified or demonstrated, the journal will take the following measures:

Withdrawal: if an article is published, it will be immediately withdrawn from publication until the negligence in question can be clarified or known in greater detail.

Preliminary investigation: A preliminary investigation will be carried out to assess the veracity of the article.

Communication with authors: The authors involved will be contacted to request an explanation.

Peer review: The article in question will be subjected to a new peer review to assess its scientific integrity.
Editorial decision: Based on the results of the investigation and the peer review, the editorial board will make a decision on the next course of action, which may include:

Definitive withdrawal: Depending on the case, the journal may make the decision not to republish the article.

Correction: If minor errors are identified, a correction will be published.

Retraction: If scientific negligence is confirmed, the article will be retracted.

Expression of concern: In less serious cases, an expression of concern may be published.

Notification to institutions: The institutions to which the authors involved belong will be notified.

Publication of a statement: A statement will be published in the journal explaining the reasons for the correction, retraction or expression of concern. Sanctions

Sanctions for scientific negligence may include:

Article retraction: Withdrawal of the article from the journal.

Publication ban: Ban on publishing in the journal for a specified period.

Notification to institutions: Notification of the infringement to the author's institution.

Public disclosure: Public disclosure of the infringement in serious cases.