All submitted originals undergo a preliminary review to determine whether the article is within the journal's objectives, editorial policy, and standards.

Peer review is a common and exhaustive practice of the journal. Original articles (and not simultaneously submitted to another journal), peer-reviewed by two or more referees under double-blind modality, related to the diagnosis, treatment, and pathophysiology of diseases and conditions of the musculoskeletal system, which include both basic and clinical science studies, along with case reports, are published.

The evaluators of the (RAAOT) articles are external to its Editorial Committee and the Board of Directors of the Argentine Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

The (RAAOT) has an International Scientific Advisory Committee which is made up of prominent specialists who collaborate in the refereeing of controversial manuscripts.

Once potential reviewers have agreed to read and comment on a manuscript, they are given a period of approximately 3 weeks to complete the report. After receiving the reports and based on them, the Editorial Committee will make a decision, either: accept; give the authors the opportunity to review and make corrections; or reject the manuscript.

The revised and corrected manuscripts are evaluated again by the same reviewers to determine whether the authors have satisfactorily observed and carried out the suggestions and considerations of the reviewers and the Editorial Committee, if applicable. In the event of a discrepancy, it will be submitted to the judgment of a third person until a tiebreaker is obtained. Depending on this evaluation, the manuscript may be definitively accepted or rejected. If the work is accepted, a final style correction and layout will be carried out in which the author will be asked to participate in order to respond to the requirements of the editorial production staff and to correct possible errors.

The Editorial Committee will be responsible for ensuring that the anonymous peer review process is completed within a maximum period of 3 months, to the extent possible.

In the last issue of the journal published each year, you will be able to see the reviewers who have agreed to participate in the review processes during the current year.