Venous plantar plexuses. Clinical-surgical implications

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Laura Santamarta
Lidia Gabriela Loterzo


In 1888, Lejars described the vein sole that bears his name. It is a venous network arranged on the sole of the foot, which involves the medial and lateral borders. Said author described it indirectly, by transparency, through an injection of resin and black smoke. In this update, a direct and detailed description of the Lejars venous sole is offered by injection with latex (Butachlor), which clearly identified two planes. The dissections were performed on adult feet and full-term fetuses. This work of anatomical research aims to demonstrate objectively the existence of a single venous mesh that is essential for hydraulic function, especially the posterior heel of the foot as a support and walking center. Likewise, the most appropriate surgical incisions are described for the treatment of conditions that compromise this network.


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How to Cite
Santamarta, L., & Loterzo, L. G. (2019). Venous plantar plexuses. Clinical-surgical implications. Revista De La Asociación Argentina De Ortopedia Y Traumatología, 84(2), 155-177.
Review article
Author Biographies

Laura Santamarta, Hospital Central de San Isidro Melchor A. Posse, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jefa de Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatologia del Hopital Central de San Isidro Melchor A. Posse, Provincia de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMedica Consultora AAOTEncargada Docente UDHSI de  Ortopedia y Traumatologia UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lidia Gabriela Loterzo, Hospital Central de San Isidro Melchor A. Posse, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Asociación Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatologia

Medica Ad Honorem, Hospital Central de San Isidro Melchor A. Posse, Provincia de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMedica Consultora AAOTJefa de Trabajos practicos de Ortopedia y Traumatologia UDHSI UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 


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