Pronator Teres Syndrome Among Other Compressive Neuropathies of the Upper Limb. A Case Report

Keywords: Nerve, median, pronator, neuropathy, syndrome, teres


Pronator teres syndrome (PTS) is a condition involving entrapment of the median nerve as it passes between the muscular bellies of the pronator teres muscle. It is a rare condition, often misdiagnosed as other compressive neuropathies of the upper limb. We present a rare case of PTS associated with ulnar nerve compression at the elbow and median nerve compression at the wrist. Electrophysiological studies revealed entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist and ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. Dynamic ultrasound of the forearm confirmed morphological changes in the median nerve as it traversed the pronator teres muscle. The patient showed significant improvement following corticosteroid treatment, rehabilitation, and functional readaptation techniques. Conclusions: PTS should be considered in patients presenting with sensory disturbances in the forearm and wrist. Differentiating it from other compressive neuropathies is critical, as early diagnosis enables the implementation of conservative therapeutic measures to prevent progression to structural nerve damage.


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Author Biography

Íñigo Úbeda Pérez de Heredia, Traumatology Service, Clínica Beiman Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
Traumatology Service, Clínica Beiman Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain


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How to Cite
Úbeda Pérez de Heredia, Íñigo. (2024). Pronator Teres Syndrome Among Other Compressive Neuropathies of the Upper Limb. A Case Report. Revista De La Asociación Argentina De Ortopedia Y Traumatología, 89(6), 632-636.
Case Presentations