Effectiveness of the Six-Item Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Scale (CTS-6) Questionnaire for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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María Solange Ferraguti
Gabriel Morano
Felipe Rincón Restrepo
Luis Marcelo Melo


Introduction: The Six-Item Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Scale (CTS-6) is a a short 6-item scale based on the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ). Objective: To evaluate the CTS-6 to identify patients with peripheral neuropathy of the median nerve using surgical criteria.
Materials and Methods: A prospective descriptive observational study was conducted on a group of patientsdiagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. The CTS-6 was employed, and the diagnosis was confirmed with electromyography. The patients then underwent surgery. The differences in the CTS-6 score between the various severity levels measured by electromyography were examined.
Results: 106 patients were analyzed and a total of 126 hands were evaluated. 20.75% had bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. The median CTS-6 score was 21 (min. 16.5; max. 26). According to electromyography results, 24.22% of CTS cases were severe. When comparing the CTS-6 score according to the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome assessed by electromyography, the median CTS-6 score was 16.5 in mild cases, 21 in moderate cases, and 26 in severe cases.
Conclusions: Electromyography revealed a higher CTS-6 score in patients with severe carpal tunnel syndrome. This raises the possibility that it could be used as a noninvasive diagnostic tool in carpal tunnel syndrome to determine which patients would benefit from surgical therapy.


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How to Cite
Ferraguti, M. S., Morano, G., Rincón Restrepo, F., & Melo, L. M. (2024). Effectiveness of the Six-Item Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Scale (CTS-6) Questionnaire for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Revista De La Asociación Argentina De Ortopedia Y Traumatología, 89(3), 226-232. https://doi.org/10.15417/issn.1852-7434.2024.89.3.1822
Clinical Research
Author Biographies

María Solange Ferraguti, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gabriel Morano, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Felipe Rincón Restrepo, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Luis Marcelo Melo, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina


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