Fracturas de tobillo en ancianos y personas de edad muy avanzada [Ankle fractures in the elder and old people]
Contenido principal del artículo
Materiales y Métodos: Entre 2013 y 2017, se evaluó a 13 pacientes >75 años con fractura inestable de tobillo. Seis fueron operados con técnica MIPO y siete, con RAFI. Todos fueronevaluados a los 90 días y a los 18 meses de la cirugía mediante el puntaje de la AOFAS.
Resultados: La edad promedio era de 79.7 años (rango 75-95). El puntaje global de la AOFAS fue 97 a los 90 días y 96 a los 18 meses. No se observaron pérdidas de reducción ni vicios de ejes.
Conclusión: Nuestro estudio indica que la reducción biológica y funcional en pacientes >75 años es el tratamiento ideal para las fracturas de tobillo.
Introduction: The World Health Organization defines elderly person as anyone who is between 75 and 90 years of age and those who surpass this age are called old people. The objective of this study was to analyze postoperative results of ankle fractures treated with MIPO and ORIF techniques, achieving a functional and biological reduction in patients older than 75 years.
Methods: Between 2013 and 2017, 13 patients beyond the age of 75 with unstable ankle fractures were evaluated. Six were treated with MIPO technique and 7 with ORIF. All patients were evaluated at 90 days and at 18 month postoperatively using the AOFAS score.
Results: Mean age was 79.7 years (range 75-95). Overall postoperative AOFAS score was 97 at day 90 and 96 at 18 months. No losses of reduction or shaft defects were observed.
Conclusion: Our study indicates that biological and functional reduction in patients older than 75 years is the ideal treatment for ankle fractures.
Detalles del artículo

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