Rotador cuff tears after anatomic shoulder arthroplasty: “Simple” revision to reverse arthroplasty

  • Enrique Pereira
  • Christian Wittwer
  • Ignacio Rellan
  • Guillermo Arce


Rotator cuff injury in patients with anatomical total shoulder prosthesis is becoming more frequent. These cases present with the dilemma of whether to repair the rupture or make a revision towards a reverse arthroplasty. We present the case of a patient who suffered a massive rotator cuff rupture of the right shoulder, after lifting a 30-kg object, 6 months ago. Because of glenohumeral osteoarthritis, the patient underwent a modular total shoulder arthroplasty 16 months before. Given the irreparable lesion, the adequate proximal biological integration of the cemented humeral stem, and the uncemented glenoid metallic plate, a conversion to reverse shoulder arthroplasty was performed by exchanging only the modular components of the prosthesis. Postoperative evolution was favorable; the patient regained a satisfactory range of motion during rehabilitation. Universal modular prostheses offer the possibility of “simple” conversion to a reverse arthroplasty, without exchanging the humeral stem or the glenoid plate, and thus reducing the morbidity of the procedure. Key words: Shoulder; arthroplasty; rotator cuff; reverse arthroplasty.

Author Biography

Enrique Pereira
Médico Consultor de Servicio Patología Espinal


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